Conversion of RETRASIB S.A. in Sibiu, Romania to RETRASIB S.R.L
Acquisition of BCV Technologies, France
Acquisiton of Powertech Transformer, South Africa and Foundation of SGB-SMIT Power Matia
Start up of SGB China
Start up of SGB Transformers India
Start up of SGB Czech Trafo
Acquisition of the majority of shares in RETRASIB S.A., Sibiu, Romania as well as of the majority stake in Trafo Project, Bucharest, Romania
100th anniversary of SMIT with awarding the courtesy title "Royal" and change of name to "Royal SMIT Transformers B.V." on 04.11.2013
Acpuisition of OTC Services Inc. in the USA
Foundation of SMIT Transformer Service in the Netherlands
Foundation of SGB-USA Inc. in the USA
Foundation of SGB-SMIT GmbH headquarters in Regensburg
Delivery of the first compactstation from Neumark
Beginning of cooperation with SMIT B.V., Nijmegen, NL
Manufacture of the first arc suppression coil in Neumark
Opening of the sales office Smit Transformer Sales, Summerville USA
Manufacture of the first phase shifter
Manufacture of the first shunt reactor
Establishment of today's SGB MY in Malaysia as joint venture AM SGB
Beginning of the manufacture of oil distribution transformers in Neumark, Saxony
Beginning of the manufacture of cast resin transformers
Foundation of Starkstrom-Gerätebau GmbH, Regensburg. Preparations for the serial manufacture of oil distribution transformers.
Willem Smit founds a transformer factory in Nijmegen
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